// replace /mypath with your path to your file NSString *dataPath = @"/mypath/mycomplexplist.plist"; NSString *errorDesc = nil; NSPropertyListFormat format; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:dataPath]) { // Handle the error if the file does not exist } NSData *plistXML = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:dataPath]; NSDictionary *dictionary = (NSDictionary *)[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:plistXML mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves format:&format errorDescription:&errorDesc]; if (!dictionary) { // Handle your error } NSEnumerator *enumerator = [dictionary objectEnumerator]; for(id object in enumerator) { NSDictionary *innerdic = object; NSString *name = [innerdic objectForKey:@"name"]; NSLog(@"name =%@",name); // and parse the rest of the stuff of the interest here. }
Mac OSX & OSX & iOS App Development
tiistai 6. marraskuuta 2012
How to parse a plist that has multiple dictionary items
tiistai 21. elokuuta 2012
Basics of Mac OS X Package management
Mac has a pkgutil command that knows something about installed packages on the operating system. It is also possible to dig information on what applications are installed on the OSX by using the System Profiler. In the System Profiler full report, all installed software is counted.
Here is man page for pkgutil:
How to determine what each package contains:
pkgutil --packages list installed packages.
then loop through all the packages and run
pkgutil --pkg-info packageid
for example:
pkgutil --pkg-info com.blackmagic-design.DaVinciResolveApplications
command prints out: "
package-id: com.blackmagic-design.DaVinciResolveApplications
version: 1
volume: /
location: Applications
install-time: 1328796965"
From this we know that the base directory for this package is Applications folder on system root volume /.
Then we can find out what files this package has installed under the base folder.
pkgutil --files packageid
"pkgutil --files com.blackmagic-design.DaVinciResolveApplications
DaVinci Resolve.app
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/Cg.Framework
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/Cg.Framework/Cg
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore
DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtGui.framework ....
- rest of the printout is clipped because it is large -...."
This information is actually found from a folder, pkgutil just finds the same information that is stored in bom and plist files under:
The bom-files can be inspected with command lsbom.
lsbom com.apple.pkg.FinalCut_AppStore.bom
The plist files are typically binary format, but they can be converted to readable xml format using plutil:
plutil -convert xml1 -o -
This is hardly needed because the plist files can be also read with defaults read -command as follows:
defaults read /private/var/db/receipts/com.apple.pkg.Aperture_AppStore.plist
Please note that you must specify full url to defaults read, if you are in directory /private/var/db/receipts and try to execute defaults read ./com.apple.pkg.Aperture_AppStore.plist - it will not work.
Useful parameters for lsbom:
-s list only files (the numeric information disappears with this):
cd /private/var/db/receipts
lsbom -dfls com.apple.pkg.FinalCut_AppStore.bom
Someone has made a simple script to uninstall bom:
And here are instructions how to use that script:
How to use uninstall_bom